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Thursday Week 7, Term 1

Kate Benjamin

St Joseph's Day Mass


The Eucharist, or Communion, is the most sacred time of the Mass. It is when we can consume the body and blood of Jesus.

The gifts of bread and wine are brought to the altar during the ‘Preparation of the Gifts’, or the Offertory Procession. The ‘Consecration of the bread and wine’ is when the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus. The Priest does this through saying special prayers and blessings.

We then speak the ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ which Jesus taught us.

We say it together to praise God for all that we have been given and to ask God to forgive us the things that we have done wrong.

Next we shake hands with the people around us to share the peace that Christ gives. This is called the ‘Sign of Peace’.

At ‘Communion’ those of us who have made our First Holy Communion, can now move forward to the altar to receive of Body and Blood of Jesus. This brings us closer to God. If you haven't made your First Holy Communion, you will receive a special blessing instead of the bread.

At our St Joseph's Day Mass, Fr Paul will give a special blessing to everyone, so only those who receive the bread need to move out of their seat and come forward. Everyone needs to stay quiet and respectful during this time, using this time to quietly reflect and listen to the songs that are playing.

To finish Mass the ‘Final Blessing’ is spoken. The Priest blesses us and sends us from the gathering to bring Jesus to the people we meet by being loving and kind.



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